
The buzz is allover town as the bells toll for Christmas and all that accompanies it. You’ll hear things like, “it’s a season of love and sharing”, like it’s the opposite we’ve been practicing all year long, or are even supposed to practice all year long.

It’s considered a Christian festival and tradition, though with its commercialization, it’s become an all-comers affair.

It’s only the ignorant that’ll continue to associate it with the birth of the Saviour of mankind. It doesn’t come as a surprise to many that His birth date will be falsified, seeing that even his original name YAHSHUA was substituted for the now more popular Jesus.

Because I suspect that many still don’t know that YAHSHUA (falsely referred to as Jesus, as it goes against all linguistic norms to translate anybody’s personal name, or even substitute it, without such a one giving due approval) wasn’t Born on Christmas day, I’ll just throw a little light on the subject.

I’ll start with what we all agree on, before moving on to the area(s) of contention. People who agree with the letters of the New Testament have no disagreement with the fact that :-
– the Saviour while on earth lived for Thirty-Three and Half years.
– He died during the feast of Passover which took place around April, commemorated as Easter by many Christians about the same period (April).

The above will put the time of birth around October. There are other factors which make December an improbable date of birth for the Saviour (though the above is just enough for the discerning mind), which includes the fact that shepherds won’t be doing outdoor nomading in the chilly periods of December as the stories surrounding Christmas will have us believe.

The fact that Christmas has a pagan origin isn’t lost on many. Amongst other pagan rites associated with Christmas is the Roman Festival of Saturnalia images (which was observed for a week, climaxing on the 25th of December), widely practiced amongst Greeks and later, the Romans. The activities prevalent in the celebration of Christmas today mirrors closely those officially accepted as norm during Saturnalia (in honour of Saturn, the Roman God of Agriculture) images back in the day, and includes widespread intoxication, going from house to house while singing naked, rape and other sexual license. Murder wasn’t left out with burglaries, armed robberies and unfortunate incidents that heralds this so called “SEASON OF LOVE”.

It was in the 4th century CE, that Christianity imported the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. Christian leaders succeeded in converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians, and of course they had to find justification for this imported pagan festival.
Today, many who have also come to the knowledge of this and other damning evidence cloak their shame with words such as,”it doesn’t really matter which day He was born, what matters is the spirit behind the celebration”, but the evidence of the activities of that “spirit” is laid bare for all to see. Some Christians are even fighting to bring back the spiritual into a now commercialized Xmas and the “riot” associated with the celebration of Christmas isn’t totally lost on those who know the riotous origin of Saturnalia. It sure is living up to expectation if you asked me.

A few days ago, parents in an elementary school in the United States were stunned to find that words associated with “Christ” and relating to his birth in “Silent Night” were struck off, so as not (according to school authorities) offend the sensibilities of those who though celebrate Christmas, do so without any acknowledgement of any form of Christianity associated with it.

The only mention of anything close to the traditions of Christmas in the Bible is found in Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 3:
“For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.
4. They deck it with silver and gold; fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”


An apt description of the Christmas tree and we are admonished to “….learn not the way of the heathen…” in verse 2 of the same chapter.
The stories surrounding the “Star of the Moment”, Santa Claus is the most ridiculous ever, so is the mistletoe and other associated paraphernalia which have no spiritual or biblical background, yet touted by clergy and sheepishly observed by their followers and non-followers worldwide.

It will make sense if this festival was celebrated really for what it truly is and represents, than to drag the Saviour of mankind into it, but those who understand the workings of the “Angel Of Light”, will read through the charade and understand that Christmas is one of those white lies that further separates man from his creator than move him closer.

He that hath an ear, let him Hear!





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