Just last year, in the post (TEN YEARS OF MADUKOVICH’S COGITATIONS | I made for my ten years of blogging on this platform, I raised the fear of what ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, AI might mean for blogging. This was in the midst of a massive reduction in terms of what I was putting out as posts on my blog, which had dwindled from an average of, at some point, two blog posts in a week, to just one in a month. A situation that persists even to this day.

So, some minutes back while working on some work document, I came upon an AI Writing Tool scrolling past the page I was working on, on my phone prompting me to ask of it anything, and I decided to see how it worked. The topic that readily came to mind was the conflict in Gaza, so I typed in “The Solution To Israel & Gaza War“, and there it went typing out the response which I will now go on to share below 👇🏼

The conflict between Israel and Gaza is a complex issue that has been ongoing for many years. There are several possible solutions that have been proposed to end the violence and bring peace to the region. Some of these include:

1. DIPLOMATIC TALKS: The conflict between Israel and Gaza can be addressed through diplomatic negotiations involving all parties.

2. CEASEFIRE AGREEMENTS: Both sides can agree to a ceasefire agreement that can help de-escalate the conflict while peace talks are underway.

3. INTERNATIONAL MEDIATION: An international organization such as the United Nations can mediate between the two sides and help them reach a peaceful agreement.

4. ESTABLISHMENT OF A PALESTINIAN STATE: The creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel is a solution that has been proposed by many as a permanent solution to the conflict.

As this is a highly complex issue with a long history, there may not be a single solution that will work. A combination of approaches may need to be implemented for a peaceful and lasting solution to be achieved. (END)

I was too impressed with the result that I have not bothered to find areas of disagreements with it, even though I agree mostly with the solutions this tool proffered.

Now, because I like to always add pictorial representations to support my posts, I asked the AI tool to do the needful, which unfortunately it couldn’t oblige, due to it being a text based tool only. I tried other topics, and was least disappointed with the result I got. All of a sudden, the expanse of what I could do with this, became immediately apparent, and this is the first I thought to do with it for now, until I figure out better ways to make use of this.



  1. The mitzva of removing Av tumah avoda zarah from within our hearts. Avoda zarah defined through the Book of Esther as assimilation and intermarriage with Goyim. Prior to Pesach the Torah commands the removal of all חמץ. The משל of חמץ teaches the נמשל of אב טומא עבודה זרה. Hence post Pesach the mitzva of counting the Omer likewise pronounces the שם מ”ב, Forty-two letter Divine Name with the k’vanna to remove avoda zarah from bnei brit hearts prior to accepting the revelation of the Torah on Sinai which the Chag of Shevuoth sanctifies as an eternal mitzva dedicated through the Divine Name of the bnai brit soul of האל.

    According to the Yerushalmi Talmud over 247 prophets occupied in writing the Shemone Esrei tefillah. Herein serves as the basis of all Jewish kabbalah.

    A huge black hole: all discussion on the Siddur which fails to address the simple fact that the Siddur together with the Book of בראשית addresses the Av/toldot relationship between time-oriented commandments to their toldot positive and negative commandments in the other four Books of the Written Torah.

    Removal of the sciatic nerve, one of the few Commandments together with fruitful and multiply and circumcision in the Book of בראשית the Av Book to the toldot other 4 Books of the Torah! The tefillah on the Yom Tov and Shabbat “remembers”.

    Remembers what? The oaths sworn by the Avot, the k’vanna of kre’a shma which links the 3 Divine Names in the opening p’suk of this tefillah דאורייתא to אלהי אברהם וכו in the adjacent Shemone Esrei דרבנן.

    What oaths did the Avot swear when they cut a oath brit with HaShem? HaShem swore oaths to the Avot (future born seed plus the inheritance of the land to this future born [עולם הבא] chosen Cohen nation seed). What sworn oaths did the Avot swear in their brit alliance with HaShem? The Baali Tosafot teach אלהי אברהם as a reference to מלכות. This משל term מלכות interpreted to mean the dedication of tohor middot. Hence 13 middle blessing affixed to the revelation of the 13 tohor middot ‘ה’ ה’ אל רחום וחנון וכו.

    Tefillah stands in the stead of korbanot. Korbanot NOT a barbeque unto Heaven. But an action of swearing a Torah oath (which requires שם ומלכות) “dedicated” as Holy to HaShem. As the 13 Middle Blessings stand distinct from one another a person should possess the wisdom which discerns the distinctions which separate the definition of one tohor midda from the other tohor middot the one from the others.

    This ability/wisdom to discern like from like defines the concept of k’vanna — which all time oriented commandments require. This basis of Torah faith qualifies as the meaning to the term “Fear of Heaven”. All time oriented commandments stand upon this יסוד kabbalah of faith.

    Removal of the sciatic nerve remembers the crisis, comparable to the Akadah of Yitzak, of Yaacov’s encounter with his brother Esau. Targum Uziel says that Esau approach Yaacov with an Army led by 400 Officers! In short Yaacov toast, just like the life of Yitzak at the Akedah!

    Removal of the sciatic nerve: a tohor time-oriented commandment. The Book of בראשית opens with בראשית followed by נח. Tohor time-oriented commandments express Moshe Rabbeinu’s life & death, therefore choose life commandment. בראשית, contained in the first תמיד מעשה בראשית of the opening ברכה של קריא שמע. And נח, the death of all living, contained in the second תמיד מעשה בראשית at the closing of this opening blessing of kre’a shma.

    Tohor time-oriented commandments emanate the power to Create the world or destroy the world יש מאין. Torah oaths created from nothing זה וזה. The B’hag ruled that rabbinic commandments 100 blessings, nir shabbat, nir hannukah, reading m’gilah esther, etc. as mitzvot from the Torah. All these rabbinic commandments, according to Rambam in his introduction to Sefer Ha’Mitzvot, tohor time-oriented commandments. The B’had in essence held that just as the תרי”ג commandments existed as toldot of tohor time-oriented Avot commandments as located in the Av Book of בראשית, all rabbinic halachot within the Talmud, if sanctified as time-oriented commandments qualify as commandments from the Torah itself!

    Time-oriented commandments require כוונה. Understood as the dedication of tohor middot reveal to Moshe at Horev and explained by the kabbalah of rabbi Akiva’s פרדס understanding of the כוונה of the Oral Torah revelation at Horev — 40 days after the Sin of the Golden Calf avoda zarah which violates the 2nd Sinai commandments throughout the generations till today. How many times does the bible or koran bring the revelation of the שם השם? Doing mitzvot לשמה separates Jews in Israel from Jews in g’lut. The RambaN teaches in his Chumash commentary that doing mitzvot in g’lut only a “remembrance” to doing mitzvot לשמה in ארץ ישראל – the oath sworn lands for the chosen Cohen nation.


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