
The media and infact the air around us is awash with people making resolutions, shouting it in the ears of those who care to listen about the things they intend to put an end to, and how the New Year will see them become a new and improved version of their today’s person.

For me its mob mentality, bringing oneself to expect that changing at a time the majority think to change will automatically ensure that such changes made will stand the test of time.

Change shouldn’t wait for a particular time or event. It’s infact disrespectful of Time to think in such a manner, considering that we do not know what time, and indeed the future holds for us. Change is the most constant thing in life, and the opportunity life gives us to change shouldn’t be sacrificed on the altar of expediency.

Our lives should be under constant review, and efforts made to change for the better should be as well ongoing, and in response to our environments and the challenges we face, and all that’s in between. It’s no surprise that only very few resolutions made at auspicious days by the many in compliance with mob mentality stand the test of time. This is because most of the time the persons making these resolutions haven’t truly come to the conviction that they truly want what they are asking for, neither are they willing and prepared to make the necessary sacrifices required to implement the letters of the resolution to the latter.

If therefore you need to make changes to your lifestyle, you do not need a new year or any other special day or event for that matter. If the change is that necessary, then the right time to start is now. It shouldn’t also be too high an expectation to achieve, a little at a time will do. Expect also that you may flounder along the way, and take steps that will encourage you to stand when you fall.

No habit is difficult to let go. It was learnt in the first place, and hence can be unlearned. Also, no height is unscalable, once you’ve set your mind to it, and granted time and chance all will come to be as you have hoped, “prayed”, and worked diligently for.

Bê guided by Nike’s mantra. JUST DO IT!



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